Tuesday, June 19, 2012

no blog

 A letter to...

my substitute for love...

It does everything you wish, makes you look amazing, young again, charming, it never say's I have no time, it never do anything wrong, it listens, and if you fail, it makes just a little tiny sound, to remind you to go back and correct your mistake...,whenever you need it, even deep into the night hours... it is never tired...
Sometimes it tells what you think, sometimes it makes you louder than your sown voice...

It's name is Photoshop...

And it has an another fantastic attribute..., sometimes works like a wonder pill that wipes out all your heavy thoughts...

Well, sometimes even it has no power over human nature. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

no blog

I have a dream...
that one day, all of me will be into something important...
Sunshine's going to high school, done very well so far. I found money for a three day trip in Austria, and with friends I did in my life, with an X too... 
I'm not that bad after all...;) 
Well have a great time. Playing solo, saying out my thoughts, being honest, maybe a little too honest and direct. I feel as complete as never before.    No painful decisions, no renounces, nothing I really miss, I find myself closing up before friends and others. I don't tell much about me saying a lot. 

I feel good.