Tuesday, August 20, 2013


gone fast
steadily and calm, but fast enough...
too much time, too much thoughts and rush decisions...
Maxxoo's great looking, with some heavy loads on his back, comprehensively unhappy about the way his life took so..., in need of a change. I'm not the right change, I would be just an another load eventually...
Having lots of romantic thoughts, sweet and tender fantasies and saw everything there's to see from tv and cinema...
T-3,5 hopefully...
Then we'll see...

So far I changed my hairstyle ;) and played with my new Chinese lashes ;)

Saturday, August 10, 2013


..in pol se obrneš okoli sebe, iščoč nekaj kar pritegne pogled, raje kot da sanjariš o nečem, kar si sanjaril leta in leta, vedno ista zgodba, ampak v različnih tonih.
Stvar fotografije...
Najdeš pač svoj star fotoaparat in najstarejši objektiv in iščeš nekaj kar izstopa..., pa tudi če je za to potrebno prepešačiti par deset kilometrov v hrib, v gostem gozdu, ki vodi nekam, kamor ne boš prispel, ker je prevroče in nimaš s sabo vode.