now I know, or...I think I knew before, but I didn't had the chance to think deep enough about it... I don't know if it is better to know or to suspect...
If I put all the evidence together, I should probably get this result, but I still really don't know if I wont to know from the most reliable source...him...
It's non of my business, I was, I am something different now, I hope I will be as I am right now for some more years, and my mind's telling me, not to dig into NON-OF-MY-BUSINESS... stuff...
If I'am very much honest with me, I'm not the right type..., for most of men, I'm too much of a single person, far from hating them, but far deep into somebody that doesn't exist..., at least not in my world...
I will meet someone, someday, that will be close, or hopefully close enough to who I fit, or who's going to fit me..., it's just that fact that I lived isolated, all the road I did was from home to work and vice-versa..., now I'm in the middle of the town, eventually I'll bump into somebody that know somebody that isn't quite involved in some relationship because..., that reason, you know, the best one...
...and that doesn't hate women, or self-sufficient women, or this and a kind of stubborn one's..., and that's some ten years older then her mind...
I love you people
World I Love You
By the way...
WILY was the key point of one of my novels, lot's of years ago, one of the few that I wrote like I was a man, the story teller...
a difficult task, because I'm not a man and as a man, I really shouldn't know all that much, what's the woman thinking, and how...
In the end I was pretty much satisfied with the outcome.