people tend to give advices to people that deal with problems, big or small or incomprehensibly awful ones
people don't know how to address them, don't know how to deal, manage with friends that are in this kind of situation, they know that hurts, but haven't got a clue what does that mean... people then reach for the only solution they know, advice, without being able to realise that it's the first thing they shouldn't give advice...
but we are people...and we function this way...
what has to be done...
if you talk like nothing happen, you fear to be shallow, careless, you tent to pay attention not to touch the soft spot, to open old sores, and your friend feels that, and it's all in vane...
so, some of friends just listen, but that mostly doesn't help in anyway, just keeps the problem alive...
what to do...
people with problems has to deal with their problems by themselves, as good as they can do...
we should keep in mind that we are our best doctors, we can heal ourselves the best there can be done...
either crying or laughing, drinking, talking, not talking, thinking about it, trying not to or close ourselves in the last corner of this ugly world and wait until it goes a least a little more away...
just keep in mind, my friend, I'm just human...and I don't know what are you dealing with, but I feel some deep compassion for you..., just that, just a human being feeling great sympathy, trying to empathise and reaching out my hand for's there, if you wont it or not, I won't stretch it grabbing, just that...
believe it or not...
someday it will start to fade, no need to feel guilty, it's just wont forget, you'll just think less and have longer and longer periods of other thoughts...
I have no idea what's like to be in such deep mourning, but you have no idea what did I went through, minded...and as a moment dictates...silence, words, fun, tears...
Dedicated to all of them, that feels human
....................................... in pain or empathy............................................we are all naked under...